• TPU Case Phone Ingection Tpu Polyurethane Materyalên RAW PELLETS

    TPU Case Phone Ingection Tpu Polyurethane Materyalên RAW PELLETS

    Tpu Polyuretlastîk Polyuretlastal e, ku dikare di nav polên û polên polê de were dabeş kirin. Ew xwedî astek hişk a fireh (60a-85d), berxwedan, berxwedana neftê, zelaliya bilind, û elastiya baş. It is widely used in shoe materials, bag materials, sports equipment, medical equipment, the automobile industry, packaging products, wire and cable coating materials, hoses, films, coatings, inks, adhesives, melt spun spandex fibers, artificial leather, bonded clothing, gloves, air blowing products, agricultural greenhouse, air transportation, and national defense industry and so on.